Extending the session – Undergraduate Studies

The rules of conducting the examination session are outlined in the Rules and Regulations of First and Second Cycle Study Programme and Long Cycle Programme at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Requests for extension of exam session in spring session 2023/2024 can be submitted in USOSweb between 22.09.2024 until 29.09.2024.

The student shall have the right to use the two sits of an examination for every course. The right to use two examination sits shall not apply to the students who received at least a sufficient grade at the first sit.

The instructor shall be allowed to hold a non-obligatory exam before the examination session begins (the so-called early examination date). If a student decides to take such examination, it shall be considered use of one sit, available in the session.

The dean, at the student’s request, in justified and documented cases, may agree to the extension of the exam session.

Justification of the student’s absence during the exam and receiving the right to extension of examination session is possible in the following cases:

  • should there be more than two examinations scheduled on one day or should two examinations overlap, 
  • inability to take the exam, confirmed by a medical certificate,
  • Covid-19 vaccinations, 
  • other documented special cases. 

Detailed rules of procedure and deadlines for excusing absence are regulated by the following instructions of the Dean of Bachelor Studies:

Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies from 26th of July 2021 on the modes and dates of excusing the absences during exams

Enters into force on 1 October 2021.

In reference to §23.5 of Rules and Regulations effective from 1st of October 2021 enabling the Dean of Bachelor studies to set an additional examination date in case of student’s absence on one of the examination terms (in case of its non-use) in special, justified and documented cases, I introduce the following rules concerning additional examination dates:

A. Case of illness

  1. In case of illness, a student potentially wishing to apply for an additional examination date in the extended exam session is required to provide to Dean’s office a medical certificate within 3 days, counting from the day following the issuance of the certificate (in the case of long-term certificates issued more than 3 days before the exam session, notification up to and including the first day of the session applies). This is a prerequisite for benefiting form a possible additional examination date in the future.
  2. The recommended for of delivering the medical certificate to Dean’s office is to send a scan of it (only form the address in SGH domain) to the assistant of the year. The certificate can be also delivered to Dean’s office in person, with the assistance of third party (to the Registry office during student services hours) or by post. Each time you should include information about the student to whom the certificate applies – name, last name, student number, year, mode of study, name of assistant.
  3. I case of failing the subject after the second term of exam session, the student, who has provided timely the medical certificate (as described in previous sections) may submit request to the Dean for an additional examination period for the subject, if the exam date in the schedule of exam session coincides with the date of the medical certificate.
  4. For extension of exam session you should request by completing an electronic application available in USOSweb or on the appropriate application form prepared and provided by the Dean’s office. Applications submitted in USOSweb will be considered first. In case of submitting the request prior to three days after the day following the medical certificate date, a scan (legible photo) of the certificate can be attached to the request in USOSweb (in that case you don’t need to send it by e-mail previously to your assistant).
  5. In case of electronic applications send in USOSweb system, it is not necessary to provide the original of medical certificate to Dean’s office when submitting the application. However, the student is required to retain the original of certificate for three months after the semester is resolved and to provide it for the review upon request of the Dean. In case of paper applications, student should attach the original of the certificate or the certified copy, if such document has not been previously provided (copy may be confirmed in Registry office when submitting the application – student should then have the original document with them for inspection).
  6. The necessary condition for exercising the right resulting from the absence justified by illness is not taking any examination at SGH during the period of validity of the medical certificate correctly notified to the Dean’s office.

B. Covid-19 vaccinations

Covid-19 vaccination on the day of the exam or maximum of 2 days prior to the exam’s set date may be regarded as justified absence. A student suffering from a deterioration in health due to the aftereffects of vaccination may apply for additional date of the exam to be set. The following actions must be taken:

  • Sending your Assistant (from an email address in the SGH domain) a scan of your vaccination certificate or other document attesting to the date of your vaccination, on the date of your exam at the latest if you want this absence to be accounted for.
  • If such need should arise – filing for an additional date of an exam to be set, quoting this Instruction, through USOSweb directly after receiving information about failing the exam on the date initially set as re-take.

C. Other cases

You need to remember, that in case of applying for additional term of exam due to reasons other than in point A and B, you need each time to provide reliable documentation of reasons given in application. In electronic request submitted in USOSweb system you should attach a scan (legible photo) of documents justifying the request for extension of exam session. The student is required to retain the original of certificate for three months after the semester is resolved and to provide it for the review upon request of the Dean within a year from the day of submitting the request. The Dean makes each time individual assessment of the presented reason.

The instruction shall come into force on 1st of October 2021 and shall remain in force until further notice.

Thus, the Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies regarding additional terms of exams applies from September 2018 with the annex are no longer in effect.

Comment to the instruction:

In case of illness, to use of possibility of application for prolonged exam session, during the period of medical certificate you shouldn’t take any exams. In other words, you can’t treat the absence selectively.

The fact of illness needs to be reported until 3 days from the next day of date of issue of medical certificate. If the form was issued i.e. on 22.01.2021, the fact needs to be reported until 25.01.2021 including (if by post – the stamp date decides). Important: just reporting the fact of having the certificate to Dean’s Office doesn’t oblige for anything and doesn’t prevent from anything.

Example: Student felt ill on 24.01.2021 and he received medical certificate until 29.01.2021. On 28.01.2021 he had planned an exam. On the day the certificate form was issued (and the latest until 27.01.2021) student sends the scan of the form to his/hers Dean’s Office assistant. But on 28.01.2021 student decides he feels better and decides he can take the exam. The report of certificate doesn’t prevent him/her to take the exam and he/she doesn’t need to i.e. report resignation from the use of medical certificate – the student just needs to come to the exam. But if the student has an exam on 29.01.2021 (last day of the certificate) then the attendance on exam on 28.01.2021 prevents him to use the certificate on the exam on 29.01.2021.

In conclusion:

  • you need to remember about reporting the fact of illness in term,
  • the medical certificate shouldn’t be used only for the selective terms. Any other rules written and customary remain unchanged.

All other written and customary rules remain the same.

Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies from 26th of July 2021 on the setting more than two exams on one day or a clash of exam times

Enters into force on 1 October 2021

With reference to §23.6 and §23.8 of Rules and Regulations effective from 1st of October 2021 enabling the Dean of Bachelor studies to set an additional examination date in case of setting more than two exams on one day for a student or a clash of exam times between two exams, I introduce the following rules concerning additional examination dates:

For additional term of exam you need to apply on appropriate form, prepared and provided by Undergraduate Studies Office.

A. Case of the time clash of exams or setting more than two exams on one day

  1. Students who have time clash of exams or those who have at least three exams on one day are entitled for additional term of exam in prolonged exam session. In case of overlapping times of exams it is assumed, that the student should take one of the colliding exams, and for others he can ask for prolonged exam session. In case of more than two on one day (without time clash) it is assumed, that the student should take two exams out of all and for others he can apply for additional term in prolonged exam session.
  2. The condition for exercising the use of this entitlement is reporting before the first day of exam session (separately for first and second term of exam session) of the fact of collision or more than two exams in one day. Declaration can be made via e-mail with the address from SGH domain to the Dean’s office assistant or in writing (during office hours) submitting sufficient information to Dean’s office.
  3. For additional term of exam you need to apply with electronic form in USOSweb or on appropriate form prepared and provided by Dean’s office, however applications submitted in USOSweb will be considered first.

The instruction shall come into force on 1st of October 2021 and shall remain in force until further notice.

Thus, the Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies regarding additional terms of exams applies from September 2018 with the annex are no longer in effect.

Undergraduate Studies Office
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: +48 22 564 98 55
e-mail: dsl@sgh.waw.pl